What We’ve Accomplished…

  • 15 Elementary and Middle School PTO/PTA/PTSOs signed this letter supporting OSD4ALL's call to pause school closures in favor of consideration of other budgetary solutions with more community engagement.

  • Secured funding from critically important legislation, including the Levy and key bills during this short legislative session, by standing WITH our Board Directors to lend our voices.

  • Presented solutions to increase revenue and decrease expenses, including an immediate freeze on non-student-facing spending along with an enrollment marketing plan.

  • Brought forward issues with the enrollment projections and more accurate future estimates, including identifying challenges with current baselines.

  • Educated a broad sector of our community seeking answers to their questions and ways to get involved.


  • The current process to consider school closures has been deemed illegal

  • The size and number of our elementary schools are notthe structural issues we must address.

  • The underlying structural issues we are facing include 1) centralizing Principal responsibilities to the District Office and 2) the current High School FTE model not accurately reflecting how students choose to engage with school, which results in less funding.

  • The District can move to a 3% ending fund balance and historically ends up with more than projected. This means there’s just $380k to cut, which can be solved with minimal cuts to the District Office. Pushing the EFB to 4% takes funding away from direct student services.

  • Madison has always been the target school for closure.Recent information suggests it would be turned into an early learning center while centralized early learning creates barriers for kids and families with less ease of access due to location.

We appreciate the time and private/public dialogue with our School Board. These connections will only strengthen our community even more. Let’s build on those connections, land on common ground and turn this into a positive outcome on, or before, April 25th.



We now have over 90local businesses standing united in keeping ALL schools open. What a great way to show your pride in all our Olympia area school districts.


10 Days Remain


What We Know…