OSD4ALL’s Statement on the Parents’ Legal Appeal

While OSD4ALL was not a party to the parent’s appeal, we celebrate the Judge’s decision as a win for open and transparent governance. Yet many in our community feel unsettled again. For students, families, teachers, and staff at all our schools, there is a big question of what's next.

It may seem trivial that justice prevailed to stop elected leaders who were breaking the law because we still have a declared budget problem. The Board's vote to close schools was not legal because the board and superintendent failed to provide background information in their final report, as required by their policy and state law.

By the Judge's orders Madison and McKenny are no longer in a closure hearing process. To close these or any schools the board would need to begin the process again, this time following their policy and state law.

OSD4ALL understands this generates more uncertainty.

As a collaborative group of families across the district, we will be here united for every school in the district, every step of the way. Every student, teacher, staff member, school building, program, and neighborhood is valuable, and we can do more working together.

As we celebrate the importance of elected leaders being held accountable, we are rolling up our sleeves to dig into the work ahead. We hope you will join us.

Take the OSD4ALL survey, share your story, and know that the people united will never be divided. Together, we've got this!


Roarin’ & Soarin’


The Parents Win!